You know I am a fan of sequence numbers, and today seemed to be the right day to share these.
Multiples of 2016:
The digital expansion of the inverse of the sequence number 49,603,174,603,075,396,825,396,875
produces a sequence of the multiples of 2016, written in six digit strings,
beginning with 0 * 2016 and continuing through 997,920 (which is 495 * 2016)
before making an error.
1/49603174603075396825396875 =
000000 002016 004032 006048 008064 010080 012096 014112 016128 018144 020160 022176 024192 026208 028224 030240 032256 034272 036288 038304 040320 042336 044352 046368 048384 050400 052416 054432 056448 058464 060480 062496 064512 066528 068544 070560 072576 074592 076608 078624 080640 082656 084672 086688 088704 090720 092736 094752 096768 098784 100800 102816 104832 106848 108864 110880 112896 114912 116928 118944 120960 122976 124992 127008 129024 131040 133056 135072 137088 139104 141120 143136 145152 147168 149184 151200 153216 155232 157248 159264 161280 163296 165312 167328 169344 171360 173376 175392 177408 179424 181440 183456 185472 187488 189504 191520 193536 195552 197568 199584 201600 203616 205632 207648 209664 211680 213696 215712 217728 219744 221760 223776 225792 227808 229824 231840 233856 235872 237888 239904 241920 243936 245952 247968 249984 252000 254016 256032 258048 260064 262080 264096 266112 268128 270144 272160 274176 276192 278208 280224 282240 284256 286272 288288 290304 292320 294336 296352 298368 300384 302400 304416 306432 308448 310464 312480 314496 316512 318528 320544 322560 324576 326592 328608 330624 332640 334656 336672 338688 340704 342720 344736 346752 348768 350784 352800 354816 356832 358848 360864 362880 364896 366912 368928 370944 372960 374976 376992 379008 381024 383040 385056 387072 389088 391104 393120 395136 397152 399168 401184 403200 405216 407232 409248 411264 413280 415296 417312 419328 421344 423360 425376 427392 429408 431424 433440 435456 437472 439488 441504 443520 445536 447552 449568 451584 453600 455616 457632 459648 461664 463680 465696 467712 469728 471744 473760 475776 477792 479808 481824 483840 485856 487872 489888 491904 493920 495936 497952 499968 501984 504000 506016 508032 510048 512064 514080 516096 518112 520128 522144 524160 526176 528192 530208 532224 534240 536256 538272 540288 542304 544320 546336 548352 550368 552384 554400 556416 558432 560448 562464 564480 566496 568512 570528 572544 574560 576576 578592 580608 582624 584640 586656 588672 590688 592704 594720 596736 598752 600768 602784 604800 606816 608832 610848 612864 614880 616896 618912 620928 622944 624960 626976 628992 631008 633024 635040 637056 639072 641088 643104 645120 647136 649152 651168 653184 655200 657216 659232 661248 663264 665280 667296 669312 671328 673344 675360 677376 679392 681408 683424 685440 687456 689472 691488 693504 695520 697536 699552 701568 703584 705600 707616 709632 711648 713664 715680 717696 719712 721728 723744 725760 727776 729792 731808 733824 735840 737856 739872 741888 743904 745920 747936 749952 751968 753984 756000 758016 760032 762048 764064 766080 768096 770112 772128 774144 776160 778176 780192 782208 784224 786240 788256 790272 792288 794304 796320 798336 800352 802368 804384 806400 808416 810432 812448 814464 816480 818496 820512 822528 824544 826560 828576 830592 832608 834624 836640 838656 840672 842688 844704 846720 848736 850752 852768 854784 856800 858816 860832 862848 864864 866880 868896 870912 872928 874944 876960 878976 880992 883008 885024 887040 889056 891072 893088 895104 897120 899136 901152 903168 905184 907200 909216 911232 913248 915264 917280 919296 921312 923328 925344 927360 929376 931392 933408 935424 937440 939456 941472 943488 945504 947520 949536 951552 953568 955584 957600 959616 961632 963648 965664 967680 969696 971712 973728 975744 977760 979776 981792 983808 985824 987840 989856 991872 993888 995904 997920
If you need to produce a list with more
terms the sequence number 49,603,174,603,075,396,825,396,875 can be used. It will write the terms in 12 digit
sequences. In theory, it would be
accurate up to the 496,031,745th term, which would be 999,999,997,920,
but I lack the computing power to produce this sequence. I would need to be able to calculate the
value of 1/49603174603075396825396875 to almost 6 billion digits past the
decimal point. It would take 340 cases
of paper just to print the entire sequence.
I will leave this as an exercise for the
reader to complete.
“Pay no attention to the man behind the
A Sequence Number to show the Powers of 2016:
The digital expansion of the inverse of 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,997,984
will produce a sequence of digits that show the powers of 2016, written in 36
digit strings, beginning with 20160, and accurate through 201610.
1/999999999999999999999999999999997984 =
000000000000000000000000000000000001 000000000000000000000000000000002016 000000000000000000000000000004064256 000000000000000000000000008193540096 000000000000000000000016518176833536 000000000000000000033300644496408576 000000000000000067134099304759689216 000000000000135342344198395533459456 000000000272850165903965395454263296 000000550065934462394237235794804736 001108932923876186782267362326347778 …
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A Special 2,0,1,6 Tetranacci Sequence Number for 2016:
This is a special Tetranacci Sequence
defined as : a(0) = a(1) = a(2) = 0, a(3) = 1, and when n>3 then a(n) = 2
* a(n-1) + 0 * a(n–2) + 1 * a(n-3) + 6 * a(n-4).
The digital expansion of the inverse of
the sequence number 9,999,999,999,999,997,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,
999,989,999,999,999,999,994 produces a digital sequence that shows the terms
of the special Tetranacci Sequence defined in the paragraph above. It will write the terms in 16 digit
strings. It is accurate to the 40th
non-zero term.
9999999999994 =
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000000000000002 0000000000000004 0000000000000009 0000000000000026 0000000000000068 0000000000000169 0000000000000418 0000000000001060 0000000000002697 0000000000006826 0000000000017220 0000000000043497 0000000000110002 0000000000278180 0000000000703177 0000000001777338 0000000004492868 0000000011357993 0000000028712386 0000000072581668 0000000183478537 0000000463817418 0000001172490820 0000002963950185 0000007492589010 0000018940573348 0000047880041801 0000121036373722 0000305968854852 0000773461191593 0001955239007714 0004942665112612 0012494604545929 0031585215249130 0079844529657156 0201839654535913 0510232151596530 1289820124344996 3260547081168841 …
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