Mr. B’s “BRAIN-O” Quiz
Guaranteed to
unclog clogged up brains!
NAME:______________ DATE:____________ PERIOD:______
Directions: Carefully read and answer the
following questions. Print you answer
clearly in the box next to each question.
Questions are worth one zillion nano bonus point each. However, if you get all five correct, we will
double the points for a total of ten zillion nano bonus points.
Find the name of an animal hidden
in the following sentence: “Be sure to take deodorant, soap and a towel
when you go to camp, even if you don’t plan to use them.”
What two
English words, when put together, contain the most letters?
There are fifteen crows on a
fence. A farmer pulls out his trusty
shotgun and shoots one-third of them.
How many are left?
What pair of letters are next in
this series:
st, nd,
rd, th, ...?
Smith is your ex-spouse’s former daughter-in-law’s first husband’s
daughter. What would you call her?
are no big problems,
there are just a lot of little problems.
- Henry Ford
For Educational Purposes Only.
Please do not attempt to answer any
of these questions
unless you are willing to learn something.
unless you are willing to learn something.
Mr. B’s “Brain-O” Quiz, Volume 1, page 3
will be posted on Monday.
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